Friday, August 29, 2008

LED Dome Light

LED Dome Light…? The assessment of the User:/0 Write By on Wednesday, on April 16 2008 LED Dome Light that was meant to be cabin light, light that generally is turned on to the car ceiling. This light was useful to light the interior of the cabin during dark and needed information to beraktifitas. The Dome number light to the car cabin not be the same, there are those that only 1 as far as 3 or more, through to information was seen equitable. Generally dome light used bohlam as the source of the light, and the kind bohlam that was most general was used was the capsule model was caused by the age with him that was very long (could more than 5 years). The long measurement bohlam this capsule then various things in accordance with the capacity watt him, increasingly big watt, then increasingly long and fat bohlam him.


Shock absorber, shock breaker

Shock absorber, shock breaker, or damper was a mechanics implement that was designed to stifle stamping that was caused by kinetic energy. The silencer startled to be the important part in the suspension of motor vehicles, the wheel of the landing of the aircraft, and supported many industrial machines. The startled silencer measuring big also was used in architecture and civil engineering to reduce the weakness of the structure resulting from the earthquake and resonance in the vehicle, this implement had a function of reducing the effect from rough him the surface of the road. Without the startled silencer, the vehicle could be thrown, like energy that was kept in per and then was released to the vehicle, perhaps exceeded the movement of the suspension. The control of the excessive movement over the suspension was without the startled silencer stifled forcibly by per that was stiff, that could cause the discomfort in travelling. The startled silencer was allowed used per that was soft that controlled the movement of the suspension in responding to the pile or the hole. But also, was connected with the deceleration of the physical effect in the tyre personally, reduced the movement rose descended per. Because the tyre was not as soft per, to
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The suspension

The suspension (the vehicle) from Wikipedia Indonesian, the encyclopaedia bebas Direct to: navigation, cari the front suspension Component of Ford Model T. Komponen the front suspension of Ford Model T. The suspension was the functioning certain component collection stifled the surprise, the vibration that happened to the vehicle resulting from the surface of the not level road that could increase travelling comfort and the control of the vehicle. There were two main kinds the suspension that is the dependent suspension system and the suspension system of the independent.

Cara Membersihkan Tabung Wiper

Cara Membersihkan Tabung Wiper

Persiapan bulan Ramadhan, biasanya mobil dipakai untuk mudik. Sebaiknya mulai dicek dari awal apa saja kira-kira yang kurang. Nah, salah satunya penting menjaga kebersihan tabung air wiper. Jangan sampai repot saat hujan di jalan, air enggak mau nyemprot gara-gara tabung kotor.

Caranya enggak susah kok, alatnya juga gampang dicari deket rumah. Hanya dibutuhkan sabun deterjen, pasir, sikat dan air (Gbr.1). Hanya saja cara ini bisa diaplikasikan pada mobil yang tabung air wipernya terlihat (Gbr.2). Karena sebagian mobil sekarang, tabung air wipernya tersembunyi di balik bumper.

Pertama, lepaskan kabel pada motor air tabung (Gbr.3), kemudian lepas juga selang yang berada di bagian bawah motor. Masukkan sabun deterjen dan pasir ke dalam tabung (Gbr.4).

Pasir di sini fungsinya sebagai pengganti sikat, karena celah di dalam tabung agak susah apabila menggunakan sikat. Kemudian aduk-aduk hingga pasir dan sabun tercampur merata dan kotoran di bagian dalam tabung hilang. Untuk hasil maksimal bisa dibantu dengan sikat yang biasa digunakan untuk membersihkan botol air minum.

Kemudian buang semua air sabun sisa-sisa pasir yang ada. Pastikan semua pasir sudah terbuang dengan membilasnya memakai air. Nah, kelihatan kan bedanya sama yang lama?

The transmission system

The transmission system, in automotive, was the system that became the energy escort from the machine to differential and the USA. By turning the USA, the wheel could proceed and move the car. The transmission was needed because the burning machine that generally is used in the car was the internal burning machine that produced the round (the rotation) between 600 to 6000 rpm. Whereas, the wheel proceeded in the speed of the rotation between 0 to 2500 rpm. Now, was gotten by two general transmission systems, that is the transmission of the manual and the automatic transmission. Gotten also transmission systems that were the combination between the two systems, but this was the latest development that just could be found to technology cars high and certain makes then. The transmission of the manual was one of the transmission kinds that often was utilised on the basis of the maintenance that more was easy. Usually in transimi the manual consisted of 3 up to 7 speed. The automatic transmission was the transmission that could make us could feel the transmission system of the manual or automatic, when we were using the transmission system of the manual

sitem transmisi

Sistem transmisi, dalam otomotif, adalah sistem yang menjadi penghantar energi dari mesin ke diferensial dan as. Dengan memutar as, roda dapat berputar dan menggerakkan mobil.

Transmisi diperlukan karena mesin pembakaran yang umumnya digunakan dalam mobil merupakan mesin pembakaran internal yang menghasilkan putaran (rotasi) antara 600 sampai 6000 rpm. Sedangkan, roda berputar pada kecepatan rotasi antara 0 sampai 2500 rpm.

Sekarang ini, terdapat dua sistem transmisi yang umum, yaitu transmisi manual dan transmisi otomatis. Terdapat juga sistem-sistem transmisi yang merupakan gabungan antara kedua sistem tersebut, namun ini merupakan perkembangan terakhir yang baru dapat ditemukan pada mobil-mobil berteknologi tinggi dan merek-merek tertentu saja.

Transmisi manual merupakan salah satu jenis transmisi yang banyak dipergunakan dengan alasan perawatan yang lebih mudah. Biasanya pada transimi manual terdiri dari 3 sampai dengan 7 speed.

Transmisi semi otomatis adalah transmisi yang dapat membuat kita dapat merasakan sistem transmisi manual atau otomatis, bila kita sedang menggunakan sistem transmisi manual kita tidak perlu menginjak pedal kopling karena pada sistem transmisi ini pedal kopling sudah teratur secara otomatis.

Transmisi otomatis terdiri dari 3 bagian utama, yaitu : Torque converter, Planetary gear unit, dan Hydraulic control unit. Torque converter berfungsi sebagai kopling otomatis dan dapat memperbesar momen mesin. Sedangkan Torque converter terdiri dari Pump impeller, Turbine runner, dan Stator. Stator terletak diantara impeller dan turbine. Torque converter diisi dengan ATF (Automatic Transmition Fluid). Momen mesin dipindahkan dengan adanya aliran fluida.

Arti Otomotif

Automotive was knowledge that studied about the land transport equipment that used the machine, especially the car and the motorcycle. Automotive began to be developing as the branch of knowledge together with the creation of the car machine. In his development, the car increasingly became the complex transport implement that consisted of thousands of components that be classed as in dozens of systems and the sub-system. Therefore, automotive then developed by wide knowledge and included all the systems and this sub-system.